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crack破解安装包Ummy Video Downloader 1.70 MacOSX

发表于 2020-4-11 18:08:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Ummy Video Downloader是一款最新免费的youtube视频下载辅助工具。这款软件可以通过youtube视频播放地址直接将视频下载下来。你可以选择视频下载的质量,软件使用非常简单,推荐有需要的用户下载使用。

Ummy Video Downloader 1.x | MacOSX | 15.2 MB
Download high-definition videos from YouTube or save your favorite songs as MP3 audio files, with this handy and easy-to-use application.
While there are a lot of applications or web services that can help you download videos from YouTube, many have trouble extracting high-definition clips over 720p in resolution.
Ummy Video Downloader does not suffer from this limitation, as it allows you to save any YouTube clip on your Mac of resolutions up to 4320p, as well as rip audio tracks and save them as MP3 files.
Easy-to-use OS X app that can help you download videos with very little effort
Using Ummy Video Downloader could not be easier, as you simply need to copy a clip’s YouTube link and bring up the application’s main window. It automatically extracts the URL from the clipboard, so that all you have to do is press the download button.
You can then get on with your other tasks, as the app displays a notification when the a download has been completed.
Save high-definition YouTube videos on your Mac, regardless of their resolution
When the application has detected a clip’s URL, it allows you to select which version you wish to copy. However, it should be noted that if you want to download a video in multiple resolutions, the app does not rename them automatically, so the previous one will be overwritten.
Also, only one video can be downloaded at a time, and the application cannot process entire playlists.
It is possible to extract audio tracks from YouTube videos, so that you can save your favorite songs as MP3 files.
Minimalistic interface that could be improved in a few respects
You can view the video’s thumbnail to ensure you are not downloading the wrong clip, although it would be nice if you could disable this function, so as to minimize the app’s screen space usage. Also, the only way to clear the downloaded items list is to restart the application.
We get the impression that Ummy Video Downloader would function much better as a menu bar app, as it would always be within reach without getting in your way.
All in all, though, this is a useful tool that can help you download high-definition YouTube videos or convert them to MP3 audio files in just a few simple steps.
System Requirements: OS X 10.9 or later, 64-bit processor
HomePage - http://videodownloader.ummy.net/

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